I'll Give You One Needle!

"The killing intent in this area is exceedingly intense! However, there isn't a single smell of blood; it's too strange!" A purple-robed man muttered with a serious expression. His head was lowered to the ground as he searched carefully. For some reason, the air here felt a little strange. Half a beat later, he concluded, "Two very different but exceedingly strong killing intents were here, intermingled and tainted by each other. From the looks of it, a fight indeed happened here. However, that woman did not participate in the fight… Ma Jiangming, apart from sniffing out girls to murder them, what other use does that dog nose of yours have?"

After hearing Ma Jiangming's annoying words halfway through his observation, he was naturally very unhappy. Truthfully, the moment he saw that the perverted dog was coming with them here together, the two purple-robed experts were already somewhat unhappy.

Why do we have to travel with this low-grade piece of trash?