The Killer Leng Ao

"Pa! Pa! Pa!" Jun Moxie just raised his palm and Han Yanmeng had already hit him three times on his palm very quickly. She laughed happily. It was like a cat stealing fish. She winked and raised her eyebrows triumphantly.

"Ha!" the little girl giggled and announced. "Let me tell you, game over for you!"

"How can that be?" Jun Moxie looked at this girl who had just sold herself in disbelief, and said in certainty, "How can I lose?"

"Hmm, you won't? Hehe, but the person you want doesn't even exist! Now, your aunt I will teach you a lesson. The entire thing is under my discretion, you see? If I say there isn't then there isn't even if there is! Do you understand now?" The little girl laughed profusely.