Through the Endless Rounds of Samsara, Only Love is Eternal!

Slowly, after the shocking waves of Spiritual Qi had stabilized into a pattern, the crowd finally left.

Even Big Bear, whose strength had reached the Superior Supreme level, was frightened until his legs felt soft… this was not to say that Big Bear was a timid person. But this kind of natural, kingly aura was simply too scary. This aura was the kind that radiated from a monarch among beasts, causing him to want to bow down to it. Forcefully controlling himself, Big Bear stood up shakily. But the instant he stood up, he felt an uncontrollable urge in his pants. Looking around warily, he hurriedly ran off sneakily. Then, after choosing a hidden spot, he squatted down beside a tall tree and hurriedly unfastened his trousers. In an instant, a loud slopping sound rang out, and an unbelievable stench rose into the air. After a long time, Big Bear stood up and put on his trousers again. This time, his expression was much better.