Sour Gentleness

Jun Moxie hid his presence using Yin Yang Escape, so naturally he was completely invisible to others.

But he was startled when he entered the cave.

While the floor was clean, the place looked nothing like a place suitable for a lady to live in.

It was different from his expectations. The inside of the cave was much colder than the outside. The walls were smooth and reflective, and needless to say, this cave was dug directly out of ten thousand years of mysterious ice!

But the inside of this cave was deep and spacious, with a couple of turns here and there. Jun Moxie only felt a bit of warmth when he was in the deepest part of the cave.

On the left was a small bed with blankets neatly folded. A light pleasant fragrance wafted in the air. On the right was a stone table. Right in the centre of the space sat a figure donned in white facing North, quiet and still.