I'll be Back to Find You!

"... but this young master no longer had that desire to conquer…. and I became more peaceful in my mentality. "

I could guess without you telling me… with your martial arts, isn't conquering Earth a matter of minutes? Furthermore, bringing along ninety-nine equally beautiful wives, you could already film your own Star Trek; it's probably difficult to not be such a lunatic….

"....This young master is always open and forthright! Excuse me, what did you say?! This young master did not begin his conquest to conquer that planet because there were quite a few powerful members protecting it. Some of them were not beneath this young master, um, perhaps even stronger than me by a tiny strand of hair… since I could not be the only sovereign authority, then this young master had no meaning staying there. I had originally even accepted a disciple that suited my tastes, but before I could impart any skills, an accident occured and I was forced to leave… and return back here…."