Concocting Pills, Xueyan's Complete Awareness

Speaking of the Beast Kings delivering medicines, the most impressive instance was the day Jun Moxie opened the door to see Earth Cracker running over carrying a huge object. It was several feet tall, and its roots swayed in the air. There was a lump that looked like it was a thousand pounds at the top!

Jun Moxie couldn't help but be taken aback at the sight! That giant object was actually a giant Chinese knotweed that was several tens of thousands of years of age! It turned out that when Tiger King was on duty, he discovered that there was this vine on the mountain that looked similar to a certain type of medicinal herb brother-in-law had described. Thus, he deployed a few hundred ninth level Mystic Beasts to shave away an entire mountain to dig this entire thing out perfectly. Then, he came over excitedly to offer this treasure.