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"So that was the case!" Cao Guofeng came to a sudden realisation. No one could imagine the fixation people their level and age have towards having their own direct line of descendants. So when Zhan Mubai mentioned it, he also instantly understood.

But precisely because he had understood, he felt even more troubled.

If he helped this favor, he would go against his ancestral teachings. If he didn't help, he would greatly offend Zhan Mubai. After this descendant passed, he would have made himself a strong enemy without any reason! He may not be afraid, but it would still be a big problem!

What should I do? No matter what choice I pick, it will still be wrong!

There was a benefit to situating themselves in public. Zhan Mubai did not lower his voice when he was talking and simply laid everything out in the open. Everyone present heard it. This left Cao Guofeng with no way to retreat.