Young Master Jun's Family Law

"Yeah, that girl who claimed to be a thousand-year-old demoness, Qiao Ying, apparently also said she had some other nickname called the All Seeing Rakshesha. What's wrong? Don't tell me what she said was true." Jun Moxie said, confused.

"Looks like you really went overboard this time! Even she was deployed this time!" Mei Xueyan inhaled deeply, a serious look—which had never appeared before—was on her face. "From what you are telling me, I can tell that this girl is really the legendary All Seeing Rakshesha, Qiao Ying! Impressive… Mystic Qi that surpasses Saint Emperors by leaps, the Inescapable Net…"

"Could she really be someone from a thousand years ago? Is an old… um, old senior?" Jun Moxie widened his eyes, suddenly feeling a cramp in his stomach. That gorgeous beauty that he had teased in such an unbridled manner… was really a… who lived for a thousand over years…

Oh my God!

What sort of world is this? It's too insane?!