Seven Stars Battle Formation, Battles and Bets!

The five black robed men landed on the ground at the same time, immediately kneeling on one knee as they reported respectfully to Jun Moxie. "Young Master, your subordinates have returned alive!"

"You've worked hard; you guys gained quite a bit in this battle, so go back and reflect upon it." Jun Moxie said with a light smile.

"Yes!" The five stood up together and returned back to the troop. Jun Moxie's side did not rejoice or cheer; it was as if the results of these five men were the most ordinary and inconsequential thing and wasn't worthy of them getting excited about…

"The third battle, 7 second level Saints!" Hai Wuya's voice rang out, clearly carrying an unrestrained killing intent! No matter what, they had to obtain victory in this third battle!