Girl in Yellow

As to those few City's Officials who died… to these people, it was just a small matter! Not even worth mentioning; if they wanted to destroy the entire law enforcement department, it wasn't a problem at all…

All these City's Officials were essentially a bunch of ruffians. How important could their deaths get…

Wang Neng and Li Jie exchanged looks, understanding it all now. It turned out the real objective of Zhan Yushu was that Mo Junye and not the two of them. They were just very unlucky to become the pawns for them to initiate this clash…

The reason why he went in such a roundabout way was merely so that he had a good reason which made it harder for Mo Junye to redeem the situation, that's all…

But the two of them weren't worried at all; instead, they were relieved. As long as they were out of the mess, that was good enough. As to that Mo Junye… who cared if he was dead or alive? It would be to their wishes if he was tortured to death by Zhan Yushu…