Double Act

Right now, Qi Wanjie was not only incapable of playing against Jun Moxie. Against any chess player in the Misty Illusory Manor, Qi Wanjie would still be doomed to lose!

He lowered his head, looking at the chess pieces that were placed wrongly on the chessboard. In a moment, he felt hope turn into dust! He pushed the chessboard away, lowering his head even more. In a tone as if he were choking back his tears, he said, "I… admit defeat…"

This sentence left everyone utterly shocked!

From the start of the game, they'd watched Jun Moxie corner Qi Wanjie. Qi Wanjie had always been coping with his attacks, with no ability to counterattack back! Until now, the game was halfway through, both parties had already unleashed their ultimate moves!

With this, there could only be one winner now!

Life and death, victory or success would be determined soon!

But Qi Wanjie surrendered at a moment like this!