This Life and Eternity, There is No One Else!

Everyone was sticking their neck out in anticipation. Only Jun Moxie leaned on the chair in a half-sitting, half-lying position as he conversed with Miao Xiaomiao.

"Miss Miao, don't you find it inconvenient to be wearing this veil?" Jun Moxie asked.

"Inconvenient? No! Why do you ask?" Miao Xiaomiao looked at him oddly.

"I just thought that a veil shouldn't be worn for too long. You see, it is spring time now; sand and winds are strong, so it does have a beautifying effect on a girl wearing a veil. But you shouldn't be wearing it everyday, ah? This is extremely bad for the skin. The spring winds, summer rain, autumn frost, and winter snow are all blessings from the Heavens. Even our appearances have to be under the mercy of nature to be able to truly exhibit its beauty, ah…"

"Brother Mo's words do make sense, but the veil… it's a lot to explain." Miao Xiaomiao sighed lightly.