Miao Jingyun's Suspicion!

"From the looks of it, we have no choice but to go!" Miao Jingyun sighed and shook his head. "The purpose of this is naturally not because of that Evil Monarch's so-called power and influence, but.. something else!"

He paused for a moment and continued. "That Evil Monarch had many conflicts with the three Holy Lands in the past, and their relationship is like fire and water, completely incompatible. Now that his wings have grown strong, he's starting a sect in such a grand and showy manner… this move may seem arrogant, but I reckon it's something that has been decided only after much consideration… Because, the War for Seizing the Heavens is about to begin! At such a time, the three Holy Lands would surely not dare to continue fighting against the Evil Monarch and will stop everything to prepare for the war. Only after repelling the outside threat can one deal with internal battles!