I Love Power, but I Love Beauties More!

"Jun Moxie has never been a good person! And is definitely not a gentleman! So please don't judge me based on the standards of a good person and a gentleman!

"I can't be bothered about the world! I have no feelings for common lives! What I want is merely freedom, strength, and to do things the way I want and not be restrained by anyone! Treating the world indifferently, viewing it beneath my foot! That is I, Jun Moxie!"

"I can discard mountains of gold and silver and can view glory, splendor, wealth, and rank as rubbish! Even if it is the glory of being number one in all of history or being the supreme ruler of the world, I will not harp on it. When it is time to give up, I will give up without hesitation! There will be no hesitation or reluctance!

"What I care about is my family! What I value are my close ones! What I cannot bear to abandon is my concern for them!"