Push? Or Not to Push?

The moment this thought popped up, Jun Moxie instantly felt like he could no longer remain seated. He instructed the kitchen to prepare some dishes, then put it inside the Hongjun Pagoda along with some wine and slowly walked over to Mei Xueyan's room.

Knock Knock Knock. Jun Moxie only knocked thrice when the door opened.

Mei Xueyan held on the door with an ambiguous grin on her face, donned in pristine white robes, looking neat and tidy.

"Why are you not asleep yet?" Jun Moxie was very surprised. Mei Xueyan looked as if she was intentionally waiting for him.

"I predicted that you were coming tonight." Mei Xueyan replied, loosening her grip on the door as she turned around and walked back in. "Come in, close the door." Then she sat on the bed and said, "Coming over here today, what did you want to tell me?"