Burning the Demon in the Volcano!

The two swords stuck in his chest were like two rockets, pushing Zhan Lunhui back with great force. He flew backwards rapidly.

Like a bolt of lightning! Like a falling meteor!

And he was pushed closer and closer to the mouth of the volcano! Gu Han used all his strength, channeling all of his Mystic Qi onto his sword to accelerate the force! The edges of his robes were beginning to smoke! But he still had a determined look in his eyes! His hatred was evident!

Even if he had to die with this wretched existence that brought harm to the world, Gu Han had no regrets!

Zhan Lunhui could distinctly feel that smouldering heat drawing closer to this back. He let out a furious roar! He was infuriated! But there was nothing he could do about it!

Jun Moxie gritted his teeth, his hands on the Blood of Yellow Flame, pushing forward with tremendous force!