Seeking Reinforcements

At the main camp, Mei Xueyan and the rest were waiting by the gates.

The entire camp was overjoyed at having obtained an overwhelming victory on the battlefield, but this joy was also tinged with a sense of sadness. From this battle, they could also see just how determined and unyielding the Outsiders were in this war. That will to not retreat no matter what had caused the leaders of the camp to become deeply troubled.

If this army of Outsiders really managed to break into the main continent, then they were definitely not something that the numerous nations could repel with their armies.

The effect that these Outsiders soldiers would have on the regular army would be similar to how the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer army had wreaked havoc through their ranks, or perhaps even worse!

Their strengths were on completely different levels, like the distance between the heavens and earth. There was no way to bridge the gap!