The Thirteen Peaks of Black Demon

“I’m humbled to be personally dealt by the Jin Fairy! Yu was even bitten by the Black Demon Snake. But I wish for the Jin fairy will be careful for now on. She must especially be careful in the dark of the night. One never knows when the ghosts of their acts may appear to haunt them,” Yu Qian Ji looked at Jin Xiao Chai. He had regained his calm very quickly, but had spoken these few words in a very gloomy manner. Then, he rolled up his sleeve. Suddenly, strong winds began to blow inside the room. None of the people present in the room were able to keep their eyes open. He moved his hand and flashed a disk-like thing. He then transformed into a divine-light and then faded away into the wind.

Then, the loud sound of a whip was heard.

The wind stopped to blow inside the room.

It wasn’t clear when Jin Xiao Chai had repositioned herself to stand on the floor. She held a shiny-black whip in her hand. The entire surface of the whip was covered with blue-green barbs.