Soul Magician

Soul Magician

"This boy will keep it in mind," Shi Mu didn’t dare to refute when he heard these words. Therefore, he replied in a courteous manner. Then, he tucked the light-red jade slip into his bosom.

"Good; you can leave now," Meng Gu seemed satisfied with his reply. Therefore, he calmly indicated for Shi Mu to leave the hall.

There was complete silence in the hall.

Shi Mu was about to ask the way towards the exit of the hall when the translucent lights suspended mid-air started to ripple. Then, they started to emanate an endless strand of white light that shrouded Shi Mu’s body.

Shi Mu couldn’t see anything for a while since his eyes were dazzled by the bright light. He realized that he was standing in the small room of the General Library by the time he could see his surroundings again.