The Hall of Magic

The sky turned dusky as the sun started to disappear into the horizon.

Shi Mu walked out of the blacksmith’s shop with lively footsteps; he had nearly ten thousand silvers in his pocket.

He had earned this money with an easy job of hammering iron. Therefore, he was quite satisfied. He wasn’t sure if he’d bump into such an opportunity again.

He took a turn from the foot of the mountain. A building covered with spires of grey tiles appeared in his line-of-sight; it was located in a medium-sized area.

There were numerous buildings in the mountain-valley. However, Shi Mu hadn’t paid any attention to his surroundings when he was heading to the blacksmith’s shop. Now, he saw a grey building as he strolled his vision around. A huge board hung above the front gate of the building; it was inscribed with – “The Hall of Magic”.