Availing a Convenient Weapon

Shi Mu was in high spirits. He spread another piece of charm paper on the stone table. Then, he stabilized his mind, and started to draw another charm in a smooth manner.

Now, he had a successful precedent to refer to. Therefore, his speed was faster than before.

It was evening by the time Shi Mu finished drawing the third copy of the Body Lifting Charm. However, he was regretful since he could draw the charm only twice before the spiritual energy of the wind element spirit stone got exhausted.

He got lost in thoughts as he gazed at the two successful copies. He realized that the ability of his miraculous eyesight had started to appear weaker as the complexity of the magic charms increased.

However, he was satisfied with his progress. An ordinary Charm magician would have to rely on his perception if he were to come across such a complex magic charm. Therefore, his success rate would be lower than Shi Mu’s.