The Eagle Gully

All the disciples looked at Bai Yu Xiu as they waited for him to present the next plan.

"A huge number of people aren’t required to infiltrate the stronghold. That way, the objective will become extremely difficult… and we wouldn’t be able to achieve the outcome of our sneak-attack. I’ve considered this point, and reached a decision. I think four people will be sufficient for this task. So… let’s lay out a plan. The members of the ‘infiltration’ team would include me, Brother Qin Jing of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Brother Di Tong of the Wind and Fire Sect, and Brother Shi Mu of the Black Demon Sect. The other people will launch a coordinated feigned attack outside the enemy’s camp… and will try to draw their attention," Bai Yu Xiu spoke with a tranquil expression on his face.

Shi Mu’s facial expressions changed as he heard the plan. But, they returned to their normal state in a flash.