Breaking the Siege

"The barbarians have dared to infiltrate so deep into the union’s territory… just to besiege our stronghold. They must’ve made a comprehensive plan. So, it would be futile to rely on Master to come and rescue us," Shi Mu shook his head and explained.

"This…" Feng Li’s heart sank as he heard these words.

"There’s no time to ponder over it. The longer we stay here… the greater the danger would be. Let’s go," Shi Mu said. Then, he took a step and strode forward.

Feng Li nodded and followed after him.

"Brothers, please wait." An intermittent sound of footsteps was heard. Many charm magicians caught up with them from behind. They looked aghast, and were trembling with fear.

Shi Mu’s eyebrows snapped into a frown. However, he reluctantly came to a stop.