
Sha Lang looked at Shi Mu with a surprised expression on his face. He then moved his mouth slightly.

The complexion of the surrounding people changed. And, they wrinkled their brows.

Everyone could see that Sha Lang didn’t have much time. So, they wanted Sha Jiao and Sha Xing to remain with their father in his final moments.

"I won’t take much time... It’ll only take a moment," Shi Mu’s expression didn’t change as he spoke-up.

The people of the Flying Raven Tribe looked at each other in dismay, and then looked at Sha Jiao.

"Okay… Brother Shi. Please ask quickly whatever you wish to ask." Sha Jiao looked at Shi Mu. She then looked at Sha Lang and spoke in a soft voice.

Then, she turned around to pull back Sha Xing, and started to walk over to a distant place.

The other people followed them.

Now, Sha Lang and Shi Mu were alone.