
Something strange happened at the last moment.

Shi Mu lay motionless on the ground for a while. Then, he suddenly sprang-up like an energetic fish. He then brandished his arms, and threw two handfuls of white powder on the six wolf-riders.

The six barbarians felt an acute pain as the powder entered into their eyes. And, they couldn’t even open their eyes.

"It’s not good!"

Fei Du shouted in his heart as he saw this. He got down from his giant wolf, and darted towards Shi Mu like a gigantic black kite.

Shi Mu jumped-up in the air, and took a quick rotation – like a spinning top.

‘Hu! Hu!’

A blazing flame burst out on the surface of his black blade. The flame looked dazzling like blazing fireworks in the air. Then, the spurt of flame flared-up, and turned into a long blade light. It swept horizontally, and engulfed the six wolf-riders.

‘Chi! Chi! Chi!’