The Ice-Crystal Scorpion

"Brother Shi, what do you think?" Princess Huo Wu noticed Shi Mu’s hesitation. She then asked slowly; she seemed to be tempted.

"Your Royal Highness, you can make any decision. I won’t have any objection to it," Shi Mu nodded and replied.

He wanted to refuse. But then, he had a second thought. The ice-cave and the multi-headed python’s hideout were in the same direction according to the map. So, he could follow them. Then, he wouldn’t have to take a long route.

After all, these two men of the consummate-level of Hou Tian realm were leading the way. Moreover, they were already familiar with the environment of the Central Region. So, it was safer to be dependent on them than to be on his own.

Moreover, it would be extremely beneficial for him if he would conveniently get a Green Frost Fruit.

"Well… let’s go and have a look," Princess Huo Wu said in a calm tone.

"Well… the matter should not be delayed. We should set-off right away," Mo Lang and the other man said in exultation.