Transcending Heaven Immortal Cult

"I had made an agreement with her a long time ago. Now, I’ve stepped into the Xian Tian realm. So, she’ll tell me her name," Shi Mu replied.

"Her name is Ximen Xue. Don’t call her the Demon Witch of Tian Yin again. It was a name given to her by outsiders arbitrarily," the elegant brows of Jin Xiao Chai slightly creased as she said.

"Ximen Xue..." Shi Mu’s eyes brightened-up.

This name seemed quite befitting to the Demon Witch of Tian Yin’s appearance and disposition. Her snow-like elegant white dress added the aura of a Heavenly fairy to her graceful appearance.

"What is this Ascension to Immortality Ceremony? And, Demon Witch... what relation does it have with Ximen Xue?" Shi Mu asked.