Missed a Great Opportunity

Half a day later… Zhong Xiu was in a guest house somewhere in the city.

She packed her luggage in a small cloth bag. After that, she fished out a red spirit stone and kept it close to her body after a momentary consideration. Then, she carried the small cloth bag on her back, and walked towards the exit.

A middle-aged man stood in the small courtyard of this guest house. He was dressed in the green robe of the Wonderful Sound Sect. He also commanded the strength of the Xian Tian realm. But, his face was smeared with an anxious look at the moment. He hurried forward to meet Zhong Xiu when he saw her walking out.

"Sister, why did you suddenly renounce the rank for the Ascension to Immortality? Such opportunity shows up once in a blue moon, ah!" the green-robed middle-aged man said.

"Senior Brother, what's done is done. So, talking about this topic won't fetch any result now," Zhong Xiu flashed a faint smile as she replied.