Killing and Protecting at the Same Time

Wang Ying's voice had barely faded when the grey-haired zombie suddenly pounded its fist towards Shi Mu in a fierce manner. A grey fist-shadow dashed towards him as a result; it was ten-feet in size.

Then, the other three white-haired zombies also pounced towards Shi Mu.

However, Shi Mu exuded a huge mass of red light. And, it took the shape of a thick layer of red Real Qi protective shield outside his body.

Simultaneously, he opened his mouth and spouted something. A golden light darted out of his mouth and circled around his body at a very fast speed. The three white-haired zombies hadn't even reacted to this when the golden light swept past their necks.

Those three zombies' statures froze to the spot. And, three ugly heads rolled down to the ground a moment later.

However, the momentum of the golden light hadn't faded yet. So, it flashed again and appeared in front of the grey-haired zombie.