Two-headed Carrion Dragon

"Senior Mu, you wish to go to the Yellow Sea. But, the Dark Moon Cult's main altar is also situated in the western region. So, the Cult's influence would continue to grow as you'd advance towards the west. It's because the majority of my cult's disciples dislike outsiders. So, the people who aren't related to the cult always face difficulty in that region. It would be better if Senior carries this thing along with him. It might make a lot of things easier, "Hou Sai Lei said in a suggestive manner.

Shi Mu nodded after a momentary consideration.


Shi Mu's brows snapped upwards as he heard this sound. The fact was that the blood-red order token in his hand had issued a strange but light sound.

One of the corners of the token portrayed a red star pattern that was three-inches in size. However, it seemed very difficult to find this pattern if a person didn't look in a careful manner.

"What is this?" Shi Mu asked.