Suspicion Arises

"Ping Ping Ping!"

The two people's weapons collided with each other repeatedly. Also, two blade-shadows — one red and one black — mixed together, and issued waves of shrill metal-clanging sound.

The black blade in Shi Mu's hand was dancing in the air in a swift and convenient manner. Each of his gestures was displaying the Gale Force Blade Art. He hadn't displayed many different blade-shadows so far. However, his Blade Art continued to change in an irregular manner. Sometimes it was swift and fierce, and sometimes it was flexible but strong. This could make a person feel like giving up.

Shi Mu continued to receive every single attack of his opponent with ease regardless of how fierce it was. Yu Yi and his friends were left stunned when they saw this situation.

Shi Mu gradually figured out the pattern that his black blade was following to devour the Real Qi of his opponent's attacks as their weapons continued to clash for some time.