Seizes Peach King

A black shadow streaked across the void with a shrill and ear-piercing squeal!

It was a black arrow which had been shot at a terrific speed. It appeared behind the middle-aged man in the round hat almost instantly.

The middle-aged man was absorbed in stimulating the purple jade-sceptre in order to break the Protection Barrier at this moment. And, his attention was fixated on the fruit tree in front of him. Therefore, he wasn't paying attention to his defense. Moreover, his subordinates were keeping a sharp watch on the surroundings from the mouth of the valley to the vicinity of the encirclement. So, who would've thought that someone was about to launch a sneak attack?

He was profoundly shocked when he noticed the sneak attack. He wanted to move out of the way, but he was already too late to do so. However, he still managed to slightly shift his body at the last moment. Simultaneously, he actuated his Real Qi to protect the vital parts of his body.

A loud "Ping" sound echoed!