Plan Changes

"The third move!"

A dull voice spread from the huge black python's head. Ao Kui didn't rely on any magic spell or Real Qi this time. Rather, he had resorted to the most primitive style of attack. But, this attack was the more powerful than the others.

You Can's complexion sank. He issued a loud shout, and a spurt of green radiance burst forth on his body. Then, the shadow of a massive green python emerged behind his body; it was hundreds of feet in size. It then flashed and stood in front of You Can's body as a shield.

Then, a loud "Bang" sound echoed. It was so loud that the earth almost shook. The air issued a thunderous sound by the impact.

The green python's magic image collapsed and dispersed as soon as it collided with the body of Ao Kui's black python. Then, it turned into green fluttering fireflies and drifted away.