Tracking and Conspiracy

Shi Mu left the martial arts practicing field, and walked straight in the direction of his residence. However, a thoughtful look hung on his face while he was walking.

He still needed to deal with some matters before embarking on this journey.

"Shi Tou, look ahead!" Cai whispered at this moment.

Shi Mu was taken aback. He raised his head to look in the front, and his facial expression changed. Then, he turned around, and entered a shop by the side of the street.

Several grey-robed people passed through the same street after a few moments. Their appearance didn't look eye-catching, but they seemed to be in a hurry. They were led by a young woman who wore a hood on her head. Her half-exposed face was very beautiful.

Shi Mu waited for these people to pass. After that, he walked out of the shop. He then gazed at the receding silhouettes of those people, and his eyes brightened.