Ready-Made Insider

Hou Sai Lei rebuked his subordinates over and over again. The group soon passed by Shi Mu's hiding place whilst moving in the front direction.

"Come, let's keep pace with them," Shi Mu told Zhong Xiu when he saw that those people had moved a little distance away from them. Therefore, the two of them started to follow the group.

Hou Sai Lei and his group arrived in front of a courtyard after a little time… A small three-storey building stood in that courtyard; it seemed to be someone's dwelling place.

"Well, you people go back now. Try to show a bit more capability the next time. Don't make me handle everything by myself. I'm a very busy person. So, how can I spare time to help you in handling these affairs all day long?" Hou Sai Lei said as he beckoned to those people with his hand.

"Yes, Respected Senior!"

"Senior, you take rest. We'll come again to pay respects to you tomorrow."