
Shi Mu stayed silent for a moment as his eyebrows wrinkled.

"Brother Shi, please allow me to ask, are you planning to head to the Heaven Ascension Peak?" Yu Yi hesitated before asking.

Shi Mu's eyes wavered but remained silent. It was a sign that his answer was yes.

"Excuse my presumptuousness but if Brother Shi plans to go there, you might want to wait half a year," Yu Yi said.

"Why is that?" Shi Mu asked

"About seven or eight months back, I heard that the Demon Tribe would hold a grand ceremony on Heaven Ascension Peak. It's known as the Form Assuming Ceremony. All the leaders of the Demon Tribe would attend the ceremony. Since the guards of Heaven Ascension Peak would also attend, the peak would be left defenseless," Yu Yi explained.

Shi Mu's eyes instantly lit up.