True Visage

Time flew and a few days had passed.

On the bank of the lake, Shi Mu sat on his knees with his eyes closed. His face was slightly pale with a mix of blood-red. Bean-sized beads of sweat rolled down his forehead like he was in some kind of pain.

Red lines appeared on his originally black left arm. From afar, his body seemed to be shrouded in red and white flame.

The flames, which were spiritual in nature, moved up and down. Hot air burst in all directions, causing a sharp rise in the nearby temperature.

When Shi Mu opened his eyes, the red and white flames rolled up and combined on top of his head. The flames were absorbed into his left hand and instantly disappeared without a trace.

"What happened?" Shi Mu muttered to himself.

During these past few days, he had been carefully studying the Bone Worm's ability of fire absorption. Although it was hard to completely control such power, it could be tempered with the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art of his left hand.