The Mystery of the Spirit Stone Quarry

"I have only occasionally heard of the Heavenly Phoenix bloodline from the president. It seemed to originate from some mysterious, ancient family… that's all I know," Lu Xu replied, a little apologetically.

"An ancient family? Does Master Lu know where that particular family currently resides?" Shi Mu asked.

"I simply have no idea," Lu Xu replied while shaking his head.

"If even the Chamber has no idea then perhaps it's simply not out of the Cerulean Ocean Star after all, but somewhere else among the stars," Shi Mu concluded after thinking awhile.

"Oh, so it seems Sect Fellow Shi knows about the stars as well. Yes, it seemed plausible," Xu Lu said, his voice brimming with the realization after the initial shock over Shi Mu's words.

For the rest of the conversation, Shi Mu brought up the topic of Star Fields several times more, but Lu Xu seemed not to have known a lot of them, much to Shi Mu's disappointment.