A Visitor Not Of This World

The barbarian leader and his remaining troop were beyond stupefied. Their impression of Shi Mu was turned on its head.

"E-e-elder, whoa, e-easy there. We didn't mean to be so rude to you. I, uh, what can we, uh—" The leader babbled despite his best effort in trying to appear calm.

"Calm down, this lowly one only wants to ask for directions. But if you're itching for someone to spar with, this lowly one is game as well," Shi Mu replied flatly.

"No, no! Of course not," The leader immediately waved his hands in denial.

"Then answer a few of my questions."

After witnessing Shi Mu flex his prowess, these barbarians no longer had the guts to refuse. From them, Shi Mu managed to confirm his previous suspicions.

These barbarian warriors were indeed heading toward their sacred White Horse Mountain. Their reason? The High Priest Bi Li Ge had summoned everyone to attend the High Priest's Passing the Mantle Ceremony.