Clash of the Behemoths

The man's face darkened.

Not giving him a chance to do anything, the flames of the gigantic white ape's left hand grew in size, and from their deep burning center, several white pythons of flames shot out of them.

The man in the golden robe seemed to be quite fearful of these white flame pythons—his robe was swelling with air as he backtracked frantically, while rays of golden light accumulated in his hand before they converged and formed into a golden spear.

His wrist flicked, and the weapon blurred into a densely-packed group of spear shadows like a large, blooming golden poppy easily deflecting every single white flame python, keeping them at bay despite their devastating resolve.

Both the white ape and the man in the golden robe were dizzily fast on their reflexes, without once compromising any of their brute power. It was a fact that was not lost on the very paralyzed Shi Mu, who had been watching the entire thing through the eyes of the white ape.