The Sea Race’s Forbidden Land

"Oh ho, how did we get here…?"

The Azure Ape King chuckled dryly as he trudged toward a side of the black island and studied the area for a while. With a flick of his wrist, a greenish object appeared in his hand.

It was a green token, oval shaped, made from both jade and crystal. On its underside were engraved wave-like patterns, with an image of a majestic crystal palace masterfully carved above the waves.

The Azure Ape King held the token with one hand and mumbled some kind of incantation under his breath. As he did, the token scintillated with a deep emerald color before shining a light onto the area where the Azure Ape King had run his fingers across earlier.


The ray of light sprayed onto the ocean, and suddenly—as if someone split the surface of the ocean with a knife—the sea parted ways, its water pushing out of the middle in large waves, revealing a single channel leading to the depth of the ocean.