A Battle Among the Stars

Shi Mu focused his gaze and started scanning the surrounding of the planet.

It was a dimly-lit on the surface, where streams of gigantic, dirt-yellow air accumulated on its surface to form many large yellow vortices. Sparks of lights escaped from the eye of the vortices, with lightnings occasionally coursing in and out of them like gigantic serpents—it was a terrifying sight to behold.

Through these air streams, one could see that the surface of this planet was filled with schisms as wide as a lake where countless crimson lava, not unlike fresh blood, gushed through these interweaving cracks freely.

As they ran, they widened the channels they coursed through in a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a flash, Shi Mu had a feeling that this large, dirt-yellow planet was like a wounded, moribund man hanging on to the last thread of life in despair, even though it was becoming more and more pronounced that he would soon expire.