Little Hints

"That is unnecessary. I work alone," The green-haired girl replied in cold indifference without giving as much as a glance at Tian Huan.

Tian Huan's mouth opened as if he wanted to react to her, but the girl spun instantaneously and left without further ado.

The green-haired girl's appearance had been brief, but Shi Mu still found her quite memorable—it wasn't because of how beautiful and ravishing she was, but because she was the first Early Earth-rank fighter who had dared left them and be alone.

"What a stuck-up!" Tian Huan muttered under his breath as he watched the girl's beautiful figure vanished from sight. He turned and scanned the surrounding placidly before finally leaving with those three men behind him.

After he took off, several more left on their own as well until there were only about twenty-odd Early Earth-rank fighters left behind.