The Blue Root Man

Shi Mu briskly scanned the surrounding the instance he appeared, his expression slightly shifting as he did.

He just faced a life-tethering encountered a Late-Earth rank demon beast earlier today. Even though he managed to prevail after a heated battle, he did so with a heavy toll on his own, which was why he came to this cave to rest. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side.

It did not take a long time for him to notice Ma Lie and his companion being engulfed by what appeared to be a puff of blue cloud.

Seeing them made him frowned. Cai, meanwhile, was even more upfront with his contempt, "Gah! It's those jerks again!"

Seeing that it was Shi Mu who had appeared at this moment soured Ma Lie, though his pal obviously received Shi Mu's appearance less hostilely.
