Xuanling Point

Shi Mu was stunned as his vision swept through the pavilion. All items placed here were basically spirit weapons. There were almost no other implements. Some of the deeper shelves were banned, and the weapons in them shone brightly.

Even though a ban was placed but it did not stop the aura fluctuations.

"This is... A legendary weapon!"

He took a deep breath in amazement.

He had already seen a few legendary weapons when he was in the Cerulean Sea Star, but this was his first time seeing one sold directly as a commodity.

The rest began to look around in different directions. Some whispered to each other in excitement.

Ling Feng did not stay much longer and soon lead everyone away.

After leaving the dusk armory, Ling Feng lead them to the Heavenly Shrine.

Stars appeared to dot the sky above. From afar, there seemed to be large shadows running around.