The Servant Named Cui Huan

On the journey according to the map in the Qinglan manual, everyone separated and headed to their own residences. At the end of the day, only Shi Mu was left walking southwest, to a relatively remote region where his dwelling place was located.

Most of the terrain was flat, and dense forests could be seen everywhere. Each disciples' residence was surrounded by greenery.

As he went further west, people's dwellings became less common. Compared with earlier, it looked slightly desolate.

Shi Mu was on the Green-Winged Flying Carriage as he glanced around, appearing comfortable the whole time.

After flying for half an hour, he had finally found his own residence.

It was a quaint building with blue bricks and gray tiles behind a mountain. There were more than a hundred rooms in the house. The main house was located in the deepest part of the courtyard, adjacent to the dwarf-sized mountain.