An Endless Maze

Shi Mu looked around him and his heart flustered for a second.

With him as the center, there were eight passages in the fog around them. All were high-rise gray walls on both sides with a hollow appearance in the middle.

After some observation, each of the passages looked exactly the same from the other passages around the entrance, which was quite strange.

Shi Mu's eyes condensed as he released his spirit sense out toward the passages.

However, after going deeper into the never-ending passage, his spirit sense felt like it hit a soft wall. Although there were no signs of damage, he could not move forward.

Shi Mu saw this and laughed bitterly.

It seemed that he had been overconfident, thinking this would be another easy task that he could complete without a hassle. It was expected for the azure ancestors to leave such a difficult task for him. He just did not anticipate how difficult but would be.