An Execution

"Let him come in. You may take your leave," a hoarse voice said from behind the stone door.


The green-skinned attendant nodded. Giving Shi Mu one last look, he turned around and left.

Shi Mu went up a few steps and pushed the stone door open, revealing a red flame. Upon entering, he saw a fire stove connected to the trench outside the house, through which the magma flowed.

Next to the flame stood a man with a small yet strong body, holding a piece of metal with a pair of iron tongs. He was roasting it on the fire.

The dwarf was not as tall as Shi Mu, and his face looked human. Half of his face was covered with thick gray whiskers, which was tied up neatly and braided in front of his chest. His muscles were bulging and his dark red skin reflected the glow of the flames. His name was Yong Zhu.

"Master of refining..." Shi Mu said.

"Give it to me."

Before Shi Mu could finished his sentence, the dwarven man extended his wide palm and spoke.