Two Rounds Of The First Battle

"Everyone, my name is Peng Tao, a deacon in the lower commandment hall and a century-old disciple. I will be the host for the second round of the challenge today! There are a total of 108 contestants, who will present themselves and show off their strength and power. Let me introduce you to the challengers for the day!" a red-browed youth announced aloud and raised his head to his left and right, drawing the crowd's attention to him.

As his voice fell, the Qinglan Ranking in the center suddenly lit up with a layer of green light curtains, dividing the whole platform into three areas. The middle ring was naturally the largest, occupying three-thirds of the space.

Shi Mu and others immediately looked in the direction of the crowd and flew towards the platform, standing on the left side of the Qinglan Ranking.

On the other side of the ring were several flashes of light as well.