In For The Kill!

A loud noise came from the distance!

The three-headed, six-armed azure ape in golden armor broke a golden warship in two. The warship burst in half with an explosion of golden light like the sun. Numerous soldiers immediately fell out.

The azure ape swept the ground with one hand. The surface was shiny white and the armor turned into powder under the white light. Even a scream was not heard.

As the gongs and drums sounded far away, there were three or four more giant warships approaching. A golden light column erupted from the warships and rushed toward the direction of the azure ape.

The rainbow-like light beams fell on the surface of the ape's body and exploded. As the light converged, it left only a shallow white mark on the surface of the gold armor.

However, those around the azure ape were not as lucky. As waves of golden light fell, they groaned and moaned in pain.